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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Network Time Protocol (NTP) Implementation

1. The ability to synch your system's clock
2. Also can be used to synch other clocks
3. Implemented as: 'ntp-4.2...rpm' package
4. Is hierarchial, using strata levels to denote time accuracy

/etc/ntp.conf - primary configuration

NTP Strata:
1. The ability to denote clock accuracy based on on stratum
2. With Stratum level 1 being the most accurate, as an NTP server at this level is connected to an external time service (GPS, Radio, etc.)

Use: - to located public NTP clocks at various strata

1. Synch against internal NTP server
a. /etc/ntp.conf
a1. server
b. service ntpd start - this starts the 'ntpd' service
c. chkconfig ntpd on
d. ntpq -np - this queries the running 'ntpd' server

Note: NTP synchronization is hierarchical. Thus, if we synch against a stratum 3 clock, we become a stratum 4 clock

2. Prove that 'linuxcbtserv4' is indeed a stratum 4 clock
a. /etc/ntp.conf - of 'linuxcbtserv1'
a1. server

Note: Ideally, you should supply your: /etc/ntp.conf file with at least 3 clocks for:
1. Accuracy
2. Redundancy

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