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Saturday, August 13, 2011


1. Sophisticated FTP client
2. Provides connectivity:
a. FTP
c. SFTP(SSHv2)
3. Interactive and non-interactive client
4. Supports scripting
5. Reads system-wide (/etc/lftp.conf) and per-user config files (~/.lftprc)
6. Behaves like the BASH shell
a. Command history
b. Permits execution of background jobs. Use CTRL-Z to background.
c. Tab completion
7. Supports mirroring (forward and reverse) of content
8. Supports FTP retransmit/reconnect from where you left off
9. Supports bookmarks of sites
10. Supports escape to shell using '!command' e.g. '!bash'
11. Supports the execution of BASH programs '!command' e.g. '!ps -ef'

1. lftp - enters interactive mode
a. 'set -a' - reveals all variables

2. lftp linuxcbt@

3. mget -c - continues downloads

4. mput -c - continues uploads

5. lftp -u linuxcbt,abc123 sftp:// - Connects to SFTP server

6. mirror -v mirror/ - mirrors a remote directory named 'mirror' to the local system

7. mirror -Rv mirror/ - Reverse mirror (puts) - items to remote server

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